Things to do in Hampshire - Paintball, Laser Tag, Splatmaster and Airsoft

AGE 12+
Paintballing is a game in which players compete in teams or individually to eliminate opponents by tagging them with paintballs (capsules containing water-soluble dye encased in a gelatin shell) propelled from a device called a paintball marker.

AGE 12+
Airsoft is a competitive team game in which participants eliminate opposing players with plastic pellets fired from their replica air weapons called airsoft guns. The pellets do not typically leave markings on their target, and hits are not always visibly apparent.

AGE 7+
Laser Tag is a safe, environmentally friendly and painless game compared to others such as Paintball or Airsoft as no projectiles are fired. The guns or taggers do not actually emit a laser but an infrared beam, similar to the one found in your TV remote.

AGE 12+
Paintballing is a game in which players compete in teams or individually to eliminate opponents by tagging them with paintballs (capsules containing water-soluble dye encased in a gelatin shell) propelled from a device called a paintball marker.

AGE 9+
Splatmaster is a junior version of Paintballing providing a low impact alternative for younger players as the guns are engineered so that children from age 9 (and some adults!) can easily cock, load, and fire them.

AGE 7+
Our unique venue hidden away in the Hampshire countryside offers birthday parties with a difference without costing a fortune! With a variety of activities to choose from, there’s something to suit everyone from age 7+.